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By O. Riordian. University of Maine at Presque Isle. 2017.

Substitution of a brain stem pathway for a cortical one by retraining after a Brain Stem Pathways brain injury may reorganize subcortical con- trollers and increase motor recovery generic 0,25mg rocaltrol free shipping. The pontine nuclei receive projections from the prefrontal and limbic areas noted in the dis- LOCOMOTOR FUNCTIONS cussion of the cerebellum order rocaltrol 0,25mg with amex, as well as from other association cortices such as the posterior pari- The brain stem, particularly the reticular for- etal, superior temporal, occipitotemporal, and mation, includes important structures for au- parahippocampal cortices. Each cortical area tomatic and volitional control of posture and projects to a specific lateral basis pontis region. Interacting with the cortex, deep As a general organizing principle, intercon- cerebellar nuclei, substantia nigra, and globus nected cortical areas like these share common pallidus, the brain stem has convergent areas subcortical projections. Reticu- Vestibulospinal and rubrospinal neurons are lospinal and propriospinal projections from the rhythmically modulated by cerebellar inputs, mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) and primarily for extensor and flexor movements, pedunculopontine region synapse with lumbar respectively. In addition, chains of polysynap- spinal neurons and carry the descending mes- tically interacting propriospinal neurons have sage for the initiation of locomotion. Reticulospinal and propriospinal stimulation of the cerebellar fastigial nucleus fibers intermingle on the periphery of the ven- and the subthalamic nucleus that project to tral and lateral spinal tracts, where reticu- reticulospinal neurons, produce hindlimb lo- lospinal paths may come to be replaced by pro- comotor activity. These regions modulate spinal pattern generators for fibers connect motor neurons to axial, girdle, stepping in animal models and, presumably, in and thigh muscles. In a sense, A hemisection of the upper lumbar spinal the axial and proximal leg motor pools are cord is followed by considerable recovery of lo- wired to interact together. The observer adjusts rats, the initiation of hindlimb locomotion is direction so as to cancel the error between the not compromised after a thoracic spinal cord heading perceived from optic flow and the injury (SCI) until almost all of the ventral white goal. Fibers from complished in the absence of vision, using the pontomedullary medial reticular formation vestibular or auditory signals. The re- ordinating the sensory cues for orientation be- gions that participate in the initiation of step- haviors during ambulation and other activities. Cholinergic antagonists and The output message from what are mostly mul- GABA abolish MLR-evoked locomotion.

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