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By A. Xardas. Ohio Wesleyan University.

Redundant presentation creates arti®cial synesthetic perception of the observed phenomena (24) 2 mg imodium free shipping. Arti®cial synesthesia (Greek cheap imodium 2mg with mastercard, syn, ``together' and aisthesis, ``perception') generate sensory joining in which the real infor- mation of one sense is accompanied by a perception in another sense. Multi- sensory perception could improve the understanding of complex phenomena by giving other clues or triggering di¨erent associations. In addition, an acoustic channel could facilitate new information channels without information over- loading. Audio channels could be also used as feedback for positional control, which could be a signi®cant aid for surgeons in the operating room. Just as musicians use aural feedback to position their hands, surgeons could position instruments according to a preplanned trajectory, preplaced tags or cues, or anatomical models. Multiple parallel voices provide independent channels of positional information, used as a feedback during simulation or surgical operation. Soni®cation of EEG sequences was also applied to detect short-time syn- chronization during cognitive events and perception (26). Each electrode was assigned a di¨erent MIDI instrument, and EEG synchronization was perceived as synchronous play during data soni®cation. Possible insight into brain functions could be facilitated using visualiza- tion of brain electromagnetic activity, observing either its electric component recorded on the scalp (EEG) or magnetic ®eld in the vicinity of the head (MEG). The more recent MEG has been used to complete the picture of underlying processes, because the head is almost transparent for magnetic ®elds, but its inhomo- genities (caused by liquid, bone, and skin) considerably in¯uence EEG recordings. Topographic maps of di¨erent parameters of brain electrical activity have commonly been used in research and clinical practice to represent spatial dis- tribution of activity (27).

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Re- sisting a force statically requires caloric expenditure but produces no me- chanical work buy discount imodium 2mg. In a pendulum buy 2mg imodium visa, the tensile force exerted by the cord on the bob does no work because this force is always perpendicular to the path traversed by the bob. Work done by a force is positive if the pro- jection of the force on the displacement vector is in the same direction as the displacement. On the other hand, when an object is raised ver- tically the work done by gravity on the object is negative. Let a and b be two vectors whose components with respect to a Cartesian coordinate system E are given by the following equations: a 5 a1e1 1 a2e2 1 a3e3 (3. In multiplying vectors, axb we can bring their tails together and b proceed from there. The mag- F nitude of the couple is equal to the P/O product of the magnitude of one of r the forces and the shortest distance between the lines of action of these e1 forces. The direction of the couple is O perpendicular to the plane created by the two parallel forces. The resulting product is a vector that is perpendicular to both a and b: a 3 b 5 iai ibi sin u e (3. The sense of direction of e is deter- mined by the right-hand rule: point the fingers of the righthand in the di- rection of a, then turn the fingers toward b, and the thumb will point to the right sense of direction of e. Also, if two vectors are parallel to each other, their cross product is equal to zero. This leads to the following vector prod- ucts between the unit vectors e1, e2, and e3: e1 3 e2 5 e3 52e2 3 e1 (3. The moment Mo is a measure of the capacity of force F acting on point P to cause rotation about point O. The magnitude of Mo is the product of the magnitude of the force and the perpendicular distance of the point O from the line of action of the force.