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By K. Asam. Olivet Nazarene University. 2017.

The therapist used the hypotheses above to guide his systemic information gathering about the specific nature and severity of the problem buy 50gm beloc with mastercard, and the attempted solutions and their efficacy so as to confirm and disconfirm the hypotheses order 50gm beloc with mastercard. Because Cathy insisted that she obtain a fast relief from her problem and asked for solutions from the thera- pist, he respected Cathy and began where she was by employing a strategic model to ascertain what had predisposed, precipitated, and perpetuated the prob- lem. Empathy and emotional validation and support were offered through- out the session to establish a good working relationship. There was some preliminary information from the initial session to support the three hypotheses to varying degrees: that is, Cathy’s symptoms serve the func- tion of managing her feelings of loss, loneliness, and stress on the one hand, and balancing her relationship with David and her father on the other. At Strategic and Solution-Focused Couples Therapy 205 the end of the session, assignments were given in the form of filling out a di- etary log and completing some psychoeducational reading material (Cash & Pruzinsky, 2004; Fairburn, 1995; Fairburn & Brownell, 2001; Fairburn, Mar- cus, & Wilson, 1993; Garner, 1997; Garner & Garfinkel, 1997). The purpose of the dietary log was to create baseline data of the client’s eating problems and to serve as a springboard for highlighting and monitoring her current and future successes. The psychoeducational reading material was to give some education and explanation for Cathy’s problem, which she required from the therapist. In the second session, she reported that she binged about two times and purged four times in seven days, which corresponded to David’s absence that week. She indicated that she initiated a binge or a purge after she had had negative interactions with her father or David earlier. She admitted that she felt unaccepted and unsupported by them when they criticized her for what she did, or did not praise her for her accomplishments. She replied that on the day of the Miracle she will be free of bingeing and purging, and she will have no conflict with David or with her father. When asked what she will be doing differently then, she said she will feel content despite her father’s critical comments and will be able to ask for support directly from both David and her father. She was then asked what she did to binge and purge only a few times that week so as to highlight her improvement. She reported that she had become more aware of what she was doing and thinking, and made an effort to call or be with someone, including her friends and David, when feeling most vulnerable. To zoom in on more of her successful efforts and solutions, she was further asked how she managed to make such an ef- fort to reduce the frequency of her bingeing and purging. In the next two sessions, Cathy continued to indicate less and less bingeing and purging until in the fifth session she reported no symptoms at all.

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Invariably those patients who have a gradual onset of pain will attribute it to a physical incident that may have occurred years before cheap beloc 50 gm on-line, like an automobile or skiing accident 50gm beloc visa. Because in their minds back pain is “physical,” that is, structural, it must be due to an injury. Gradually, patients need to begin to think psychologically; and, indeed, once the diagnosis of TMS is made, it is common for patients to begin to recall all of the psychological things that were going on in their lives when acute attacks occurred, like starting a new job, getting married, an illness in the family, a financial crisis and so on. Or the patient will acknowledge that he or she has always been a worrier, overly conscientious and responsible, compulsive and perfectionistic. This is the beginning of wisdom, the start of the process of putting things into proper perspective. In this case, it is the recognition that there are physical disorders that play a psychological role in human biology. THE CHARACTER OF ONSET The Acute Attack Perhaps the most common, and undoubtedly the most frightening, 14 Healing Back Pain manifestation of TMS is the acute attack. It usually comes out of the blue and the pain is often excruciating, as described in the case of the young man above. The most common location for these attacks is the low back, involving the lumbar (small of the back) muscles, the buttock muscles or both. Any movement brings on a new wave of terrible pain so the condition is very upsetting, to say the least. Spasm is a state of extreme contraction (tightening, tensing) of the muscles, an abnormal condition that may be horrifically painful. Most everyone has experienced a leg or foot cramp (charley horse), which is the same thing, except that the cramp will stop as soon as the involved muscle is stretched. As will be described in the physiology chapter (see “The Physiology of TMS”), I believe that oxygen deprivation is responsible for the spasm as well as other kinds of pain characteristic of TMS. It is likely that common leg cramps also result from oxygen deprivation, which is why they usually occur in bed when the circulation of blood is slowed down and there is liable to be a temporary, minor state of reduced oxygenation in the leg muscles. With TMS, however, reduced blood flow is continued by action of the autonomic nerves, and the abnormal muscle state persists.

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