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The culture medium is replenished twice a week with minimum essential medium (MEM discount 4 mg detrol la free shipping, Gibco best detrol la 4 mg, Carlsbad, Calif. Spontaneous activity starts at approximately 1 week in the form of ran- dom spiking and stabilizes in terms of coordinated spike and burst patterns by 15 days in vitro. Such networks can remain spontaneously active and pharmacologically responsive for more than 6 months (Gross, 1994). Although the general experimental approaches are quite similar, di¤erent parent tissues may require slightly di¤erent treatments or maintenance. For example, spinal cultures that contain both glycine and g-aminobutyricacid (GABA) inhibitory circuits are maintained in MEM that is devoid of glycine. Using the methods described, cell cultures have been found to survive and remain electrophysiologically active and pharmacologically responsive for many months (table 9. Since the data in this table were not obtained from designed longevity experiments, but resulted from routine procedures and culture usage, it is likely that with special care, such primary cultures can survive for up to a year or longer. Pres- ent feeding methods subject cultures to substantial osmotic shocks and metabolite and pH fluctuations. If these stressors could be avoided, culture survival should ex- ceed 6 months in vitro (Potter and DeMarse, 2001). Surface Preparation and Cell-Surface Adhesion The dynamics involved in the generation of stable adhesion may be described in terms of three major events (Doherty and Walsh, 1992): (1) initial apposition (in Long-Term Contact between Neural Networks and Microelectrode Arrays 179 1. Balb-C/ICR mice are mated for 12 hours, fourteen days before culturing (timed pregnancies). The spinal cord pellet is triturated in 5 ml MEM + 10% horse serum/10% 2. Ten to fourteen embryos are aspirated and the tissue Spinal delivered from the uterus under is minced with two cord a dissecting microscope in sterile sterile #20 scalpel blades. Different regions of the CNS are removed (spinalcord, frontal cortex, auditory cortex, brain stem) and placed in D1SGH at room temperature. The dissociated cells are seeded onto an adhesion island prepared in the center of the MEA. After 24 hr, the entire area within the gasket (heavy black rectangle) is filled with medium.

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Substance abuse is often This means that the body adjusts to the drugs so that higher associated with substantial damage to the abuser and society doses are needed to achieve feelings of pleasure or stave off (eg purchase detrol la 4 mg line, crime generic detrol la 4mg visa, child and spouse abuse, traumatic injury, death). As used in this chapter, substance abuse is defined as self- administration of a drug for prolonged periods or in excessive DEPENDENCE amounts to the point of producing physical or psychological dependence and reduced ability to function as a productive Characteristics of drug dependence include craving a drug, member of society. These include prescription and non- symptoms if drug use is stopped); and continuing to take a prescription and legal and illegal drugs. Commonly abused drug despite adverse consequences (eg, drug-related illnesses, drugs include CNS depressants (eg, alcohol, antianxiety/ mental or legal problems, job loss or decreased ability to func- sedative-hypnotic agents, opioid analgesics), CNS stimulants tion in an occupation, impaired family relationships). These feelings, per- 236 CHAPTER 15 SUBSTANCE ABUSE DISORDERS 237 ceived as extremely desirable by the drug-dependent person, hol and sedative-type drugs are mainly agitation, ner- contribute to acute intoxication, development and mainte- vousness, and hyperactivity. Most abusers understate the amount and fre- chronic use of a drug so that unpleasant symptoms occur when quency of substance use; heroin addicts may overstate the drug is stopped or its action is antagonized by another the amount used in attempts to obtain higher doses of drug. In addition, those who use illegal street cific manifestations according to the type of drug and does not drugs may not know what they have taken because of occur as long as adequate dosage is maintained. Attempts to varying purity, potency, additives, names, and substitu- avoid withdrawal symptoms reinforce psychological depen- tions of one drug for another. Thus, most substance abuse dependence, and increasing doses are therefore required to ob- comes to the attention of health care professionals when tain psychological effects or avoid physical withdrawal symp- the abuser experiences a complication such as acute in- toms. One view is that drugs stimulate or inhibit neurotrans- • Smoking or inhaling drug vapors is a preferred route of mitters in the brain to produce pleasure and euphoria or to de- administration for cocaine, marijuana, and nicotine be- crease unpleasant feelings such as anxiety. The specific drug cause the drugs are rapidly absorbed from the large sur- and the amount, frequency, and route of administration are face area of the lungs. With crack cocaine, acteristics and environmental or circumstantial characteris- inhaling vapors from the heated drug produces blood tics. Peer pressure is often an important factor in initial and levels comparable to those obtained with intravenous continuing drug ingestion. Additional general characteristics of drugs of unknown potency, contaminated needles, poor substance abuse and dependence include the following: hygiene, and other dangerous practices. Specific prob- • Substance abuse involves all socioeconomic levels and lems include overdoses, death, and numerous infections almost all age groups, from school-aged children to el- (eg, hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus infection, derly adults. For example, adolescents and young adults may be more Many drugs are abused for their mind-altering proper- likely to use illicit drugs and older adults are more likely ties.

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