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TheincreasedfacilitationoftheHreflexrecov- ery cycle disappears after successful thalamotomy Conclusions (Yap buy 20mg abilify visa, 1967) and treatment by L-dopa (McLeod & Walsh effective abilify 10 mg, 1972). However, itation at 150–700 ms could result from decreased there is a concomitant decrease in the on-going post-activation depression at the Ia-motoneurone presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals (see below) synapse,duetoadaptivechangesfollowingakinesia. They argued that this in parkinsonian patients is also inconsistent with disorder might not necessarily be detected by the increase in the F wave. However, this con- was recorded in distal upper limb muscles, which clusion was based on a comparison of electri- are the muscles most involved in the tremor. The cally and mechanically evoked reflexes as a mea- increased excitability of motoneurones of these sure of fusimotor drive, and the problems with this muscles could simply be due to the fact that they time-honoured but now discredited practice are were not truly at rest. As in the case of spasticity, it would be imprudent to discard completely the possibility that enhanced Fusimotor activity drive plays a role in parkinsonian rigidity. Clarification of in the limited data base, there was no evidence for this issue requires detailed studies under identical selective or disproportionate drive to spindle end- conditions of the responses of single spindle affer- ings in parkinsonian patients, and no evidence that ents in patients and control subjects. The apparent increase in spindle activity mentioned by Wallin, Hongell & Presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals Hagbarth (1973) was probably due to the inability of parkinsonian patients to relax completely (Burke, Ia terminals to soleus motoneurones Hagbarth & Wallin, 1977). Evidence for decreased presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals to soleus motoneurones has been found consistently using techniques studying specifically Stretch- vs. Indirect evidence for increased s drive was, how- Thus, in parkinsonian patients, the suppression of ever, claimed by Noth et al. No significant relationship was While the electrically induced responses were simi- found between the reduction of presynaptic inhibi- lar in the two groups, the responses to stretch were tion assessed with either method and the rigidity in markedly reduced in parkinsonian patients. However, the increased femoral- that s stimulation in the cat reduces the sensitivity inducedfacilitationwassignificantlycorrelatedwith ofprimaryendingstosmall-amplitudestretches,the the degree of bradykinesia, before and after treat- authors suggested that this finding could result from ment with L-dopa (see p. Vibratory depression of a homonymous with respect to normal subjects (Obeso et al. After the blockade, the soleus H reflex was mous tendon activated reciprocal Ia inhibition from increased significantly, thus revealing an exagger- pretibial flexors, because vibration applied to the ated tonic inhibitory action from flexor to extensor Achilles tendon spreads to these muscles (Ashby, muscles(Bathien&Rondot,1977;Obesoetal. The absence of a change in Interestingly, abnormal tonic reciprocal inhibition homonymous vibratory inhibition in parkinsonian was also decreased by L-dopa treatment, suggest- patients might then be explained by the increased ingthatadisorderofperipheralreciprocalinhibition reciprocal Ia inhibition that has been reported in might be involved in the pathophysiology of parkin- these patients (see below), a change that could off- sonian rigidity.

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