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In such cases it is worth straightening the foot with a We consider that the provision of inserts is appropri- cast during the first few months of life safe nortriptyline 25mg. Although casts as below-knee casts can easily slip down and lead the efficacy of insert treatment has not been completely to pressure sores discount nortriptyline 25 mg free shipping. Moreover, the correction of the foot proven scientifically, we nevertheless manage feet with is better with a long-leg cast. We generally use Softcast fallen medial arches with inserts or shoe modifications. In this form of correction the rearfoot is ferent for treated and untreated feet [16, 17]. A study pushed in a varus direction and the forefoot is supinated conducted in our own hospital with two groups of approx. At the same time the medial longitudinal 20 children with fallen arches with and without insert arch is shaped by the cast. As a rule, we start corrective treatment only after the 2nd month of life and con- tinue the treatment until the foot shape has returned to normal, generally after 2–3 months, by which time the foot has a normal shape in the non-weight-bear- ing state. Whether a flexible flatfoot will continue to persist after the start of walking cannot be predicted with certainty since this depends to a great extent on the quality of the ligaments – and this is difficult to assess in the infant. Walking age If a flexible flatfoot persists after the start of walking, the a b possibility of inserts can be considered. The foot is par- ticularly difficult to assess at this age since the medial foot ⊡ Fig. We make more fun by competing with the child to grasp long objects with a diagnosis of flexible flatfoot at this age only if weight- the toes 414 3. Hopes that the insert or shoe modification will reduce the shoe consumption rate will be disappointed. If the heel is in a very ex- treme valgus position, a so-called inner shoe, i.

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