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Cutaneous and articular afferents These afferents depress transmission in PAD path- Selectivity of the control of presynaptic waysatthelevelofthefirst-orderPADinterneurones inhibition (seeLund buy generic propecia 5mg on line,Lundberg&Vyklicky generic propecia 1 mg otc,´ 1965;Rudominetal. Animalexperimentssubsequentlycon- Descending suppression firmed that presynaptic inhibition exerted on col- The main descending control on PAD interneu- laterals of the same Ia afferent may be differentially rones mediating presynaptic inhibition of Ia ter- depressedbycorticalandcutaneousinputs(Eguibar minals is depressive (see Fig. The diffuse pattern of presynaptic inhi- PAD and switches off presynaptic inhibition. Cor- bition of Ia terminals observed in the acute spinal ticospinal fibres and cutaneous afferents converge cat (Eccles, Magni & Willis, 1962a)isprobably due onto inhibitory interneurones which depress the to the convergence onto last order PAD interneu- first-order PAD interneurones (see Lundberg & rones of subsets of first-order PAD interneurones 340 Presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals which differ in their input (at least from the brain, in the soleus (Morin et al. Itwasreasonedthat,ifHreflexamplitudeonly depended on motoneurone excitability, the vari- ations in reflex amplitude and in the on-going EMG Conclusions should parallel one another. In contrast, changes in presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals should affect Presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents functions as the H reflex via the Ia afferents in the test volley a gate on the monosynaptic Ia input to motoneu- more than the on-going EMG which could be rones. It can be distinguished from post-synaptic affected only by influencing background Ia activ- inhibition by its long central latency and long dura- ity and any fusimotor-driven enhancement during tion. Despiteitspotency,therole of this gating has long been neglected in discussions As appealing as this method is because of its sim- onthecontroloftheIainflowduringmovement. This plicity (recordings of the H reflex and the on-going is probably because it was difficult to make func- EMG),theresultscannotbeattributedunequivocally tional sense of the diffuse pattern of distribution of todifferencesinthelevelofpresynapticinhibitionof presynaptic inhibition on Ia terminals of all mus- Ia terminals. Presynaptic inhibition of Ia the different motor tasks tested may have an uneven terminals functions also as a gate on the Ia input distribution to early and late recruited motoneu- to interneurones (cf. As a result, an equivalent level of EMG discharge does not guar- antee equivalent excitability of the motoneurones Methodology that are not involved in the contraction and thus an equal amplitude of the reflex response to a constant Different methods have been developed to assess Ia volley. They rely on different principles only mechanism able to gate the afferent volley of and have different advantages and disadvantages. For example, disynaptic Ib inhibitory pathways help determine the size of the H reflex, and a difference in the control of these pathways Discrepancy between the variations in the could contribute to changes in the size of the test H on-going EMG and those in the H reflex reflex (cf. Underlying principle Changes in presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals in Activating PAD INs by a conditioning human subjects were first inferred from discrepan- volley to assess their excitability cies between changes in the H reflex amplitude and in the on-going EMG recorded in the same muscle Underlying principle during various motor activities: voluntary contrac- tion and flexor reflex in the tibialis anterior (Pierrot- Presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals mediating the Deseilligny & Bussel, 1973); walking and standing afferent volley of the test H reflex is experimentally Methodology 341 induced using vibration or electrical stimulation to post-activation depression is probably related to produce a conditioning afferent volley. The resulting reducedprobabilityoftransmitterrelease(Lev-Tov& reflex depression depends on the excitability of PAD Pinco, 1992), and is quite potent (see Chapter 2, interneurones: the larger this excitability, the greater pp. It differs from presynaptic inhibition with the presynaptic inhibition of the test afferent volley PADinseveralaspects:(i)itsverylongduration(upto andthegreaterthereflexdepression.

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