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By D. Ines. Elms College. 2017.

Aphasias most commonly follow a cerebrovascular event: the specific type of aphasia may change with time following the event discount myambutol 400 mg with mastercard, and discrepancies may be observed between classically defined clini- coanatomical syndromes and the findings of everyday practice generic myambutol 600mg fast delivery. Aphasia may also occur with space-occupying lesions and in neu- rodegenerative disorders, often with other cognitive impairments (e. Summary of findings in aphasia syndromes Transcortical: Broca Wernicke Conduction Motor/Sensory Fluency ↓↓ ↓/N Comprehension N ↓↓ ↓ Repetition N/N Naming N? Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002: 27-39 Spreen O, Risser AH. Brain 1993; 116: 1527-1540 Cross References Agrammatism; Agraphia; Alexia; Anomia; Aprosodia, Aprosody; Broca’s aphasia; Circumlocution; Conduction aphasia; Conduit D’approche; Crossed aphasia; Dysarthria; Jargon aphasia; Neologism; Optic aphasia; Paraphasia; Transcortical aphasias; Wernicke’s aphasia Aphemia Aphemia was the name originally given by Broca to the language dis- order subsequently named “Broca’s aphasia. Aphemia probably encompasses at least some cases of the “foreign accent syndrome,” in which altered speech pro- duction and/or prosody makes speech output sound foreign. They usually reflect damage in the left frontal operculum, but sparing Broca’s area. The “pure” form of the phonetic disinte- gration syndrome (pure anarthria): anatomo-clinical report of a single case. London: Imperial College Press, 2003: 69 Schiff HB, Alexander MP, Naeser MA, Galaburda AM. Archives of Neurology 1983; 40: 720-727 Cross References Anarthria; Aphasia; Aprosodia, Aprosody; Dysarthria; Phonemic disin- tegration; Speech apraxia Aphonia Aphonia is loss of the sound of the voice, necessitating mouthing or whispering of words. As for dysphonia, this most frequently follows laryngeal inflammation, although it may follow bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. Dystonia of the abductor muscles of the larynx can result in aphonic segments of speech (spasmodic aphonia, or abduc- tor laryngeal dystonia); this may be diagnosed by hearing the voice fade away to nothing when asking the patient to keep talking; patients may comment that they cannot hold any prolonged conversation.

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THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK 37 ° Young people aged 16 or 17 years of age have the right to consent to treatment unless there is evidence of a lack of capacity (the Family Law Reform Act 1969) discount myambutol 400 mg overnight delivery. Consequently such young people also have the same rights to confidentiality as adults cheap myambutol 400 mg line. In other cases the person with parental responsibility, who has consented to treatment on behalf of the child, would be involved in decisions about passing on information. There are certain exceptions to the duty of confidentiality where informa­ tion may be disclosed. Below are some examples: ° Where there is a statutory requirement to pass on information, for instance notification of communicable disease, the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984, the Mental Health Act (1983), the Prevention of Terrorism Act (1989). It may therefore be necessary to share information with specific professionals and agencies. This often relates to the prevention of serious crime but can include such matters as a public health risk. Any unwanted paperwork containing personal details about clients must be disposed of using processes that protect confidentiality. For instance, they should not reveal passwords or allow others access to the computer under their identity and password. Care should be taken that computer screens are not left unattended or in view of public areas. THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK 39 ° Clinicians need to ascertain, when sharing information about clients with other professionals, that they have the same requirements regarding confidentiality (Shaw 2001). Access to health records Clients have had the right to have access to automatically processed health records since the first Data Protection Act in 1984. This has now been re­ placed by the Data Protection Act (1998), which came into force on 1 March 2000.

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