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By F. Lester. Tennessee State University.

Peroneal-induced inhibition of the on-going need to stabilise the ankle during the stance phase soleusEMGwasmuchsmalleratheelstrikethandur- of walking (see Chapter 11 buy indocin 75 mg online,p order indocin 25mg visa. It progres- sively increased through the stance phase, though always smaller than during the voluntary contrac- Studies in patients and clinical tion(Fig. Reciprocalinhibitionoftheon- implications going tibialis anterior EMG during the swing phase was similarly much smaller than during voluntary Methodology dorsiflexion (Fig. Because it is unusual reciprocal Ia inhibition for a sizeable H reflex to be recordable in tibialis (i) Presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals on soleus anterior, peroneal-induced reciprocal Ia inhibition motoneurones is decreased during dynamic volun- ofthesoleusHreflexisusuallyexplored(however,see tary contractions of soleus but strongly increased p. Care is necessary to ensure that the condi- throughout the stance phase of walking (Chapter 8, tioning stimulus activates only the deep peroneal pp. Methodological reasons, in particular in patients with incomplete spinal cord injury who inadvertent stimulation of the superficial peroneal had recovered sufficient function to walk with some nerve,mayaccountforsomediscrepantfindings(see assistance than in healthy subjects. Tanaka & Ito (1976) found that a train of three shocks (ii) An early facilitation replacing the early inhi- totheperonealnervehadnoeffectin6of11patients bition was seen in two of four patients with incom- with hemiplegia, but produced an early inhibition in pletespinalcordinjuryandfourofthesevenpatients two patients and an early facilitation in the other withacompletespinallesionreportedbyCroneetal. Del- Perez&Field-Fote (2003)reported that, recipro- waide (1985) mentioned an early peroneal-induced cal inhibition tested at the 3-ms ISI was slightly facilitation in a few spastic patients, but gave no decreased. The absence lations show that the clear reciprocal Ia inhibi- of reciprocal inhibition on the unaffected side rep- tion observed in normal subjects was absent in the resents further evidence that spinal mechanisms patients (Fig. This is also illustrated in the are not normal on the clinically unaffected side of histogramsofFig. In patients in whom serial recordings The early facilitation that often replaces the early were obtained there was an increase in Ia inhibition inhibition could be due to Ib excitation duringtherecoveryperiodfollowingstroke,afinding not confirmed by Crone et al. It is possible that this facilitation in spastic patients could be due to the fact that a normal Ib excitation is moreeasilydisclosedbecauseofthedecreasedrecip- Patients with traumatic spinal cord injury rocal Ia inhibition.

The points included: Jiao Xin (Ki 8) unilaterally Fu Yang (Bl 59) unilaterally Zan Zhu (Bl 2) bilaterally Two-inch purchase 50 mg indocin with mastercard, 28-gauge needles were used cheap indocin 75 mg. Jiao Xin on the left was drained, and Fu Yang on the right was supplemented. The needles were retained for 30 minutes, and each afternoon the treatment was given one time. All members of the comparison group received acupuncture at the following points: He Gu (LI 4) bilaterally Nei Guan (Per 6) bilaterally These points were needled with even supplementing-even draining hand technique. This treatment was given one time per day, and seven days equaled one course of treatment. In addition, nine grams of Shi Chang Pu (Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii) and three grams of Lian Zi (Semen Nelumbinis) were decocted and adminis- tered each day. In addition to receiving the above treatments both groups were counseled and given suggestions on how to prevent enuresis. These included avoiding becoming overtired, not eating or drink- ing too many liquids at dinner, urinating before sleep, having the family set an alarm to wake the child, and, for older children, hav- ing them relax and making sure they are not ashamed or nervous about their problem. Study outcomes: The following table shows the outcomes of the treatment and comparison groups. Chinese Research on the Treatment of Pediatric Enuresis 125 GROUP NUMBER CURED IMPROVED NOT CURATIVE AMELIORA- IMPROVED EFFECT TION RATE Treatment 32 32 0 0 100% 100% Comparison 30 1 28 1 3. From The Treatment of 10 Cases of Pediatric Enuresis with Acupuncture Given at Specific Times by Huang Dai-wang, Shang Hai Zhen Jiu Za Zhi (Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture & Moxibustion), 2000, #6, p. The shortest course of disease was one year and the longest was 10 years. Treatment method: Yi Niao (N-LE-49, an extra-channel acupoint located on the pinky finger of the hand) was needled with a 13 millimeter needle to a depth of 2-3 fen. The needles were retained for 15 minutes, and three treatments equaled one course. Huang decided to give acupuncture treatments during the time of day that corresponds to the kidney channel.

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