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By U. Umbrak. Western Maryland College.

Small branches directly from the the pituitary fossa (and gland) buy micronase 2,5mg online. The major arteries to the vertebral and basilar arteries (not shown) order micronase 2,5mg free shipping, known as para- cerebral cortex of the hemispheres are branches of this median arteries, supply the medial structures of the brain- arterial circle. This illustration is a photographic view of stem (further discussed with Figure 67B). There are three the inferior aspect of the brain, including brainstem and major branches from this arterial tree to the cerebellum cerebral hemispheres, with the blood vessels (as in Figure — the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA), the 15A). Branches from the major arteries have been added anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA), and the supe- to the photographic image. All supply the lateral aspects of the The cut end of the internal carotid arteries is a start- brainstem, including nuclei and tracts, en route to the ing point. Each artery divides into the middle cerebral cerebellum; these are often called the circumferential artery (MCA) and the anterior cerebral artery (ACA). The anterior The blood supply to the spinal cord is shown in Figure portion of the temporal lobe has been removed on the left 2B and is discussed with Figure 68. Within the fissure, small arter- CLINICAL ASPECT ies are given off to the basal ganglia, called the striate arteries (not labeled; see Figure 62). The artery emerges The vascular territories of the various cerebral blood ves- at the surface (see Figure 14A) and courses upward, divid- sels are shown in color in this diagram. The most common ing into branches that are distributed onto the dorsolateral clinical lesion involving the cerebral blood vessels is surface of the hemispheres (see Figure 60). This artery heads into the inter- deficits will be described with each of the major branches hemispheric fissure (see Figure 16) and will be followed to the cerebral cortex (with Figure 60 and Figure 61). A very short artery connects the ACAs major blood vessels of the circle, sometimes one of the of the two sides, the anterior communicating artery. One of the vascular syndromes of the The two vertebral arteries unite at the lower border of brainstem, the lateral medullary syndrome (of Wallenberg) the pons to form the midline basilar artery, which courses is discussed with Figure 67B. The basilar artery terminates at the © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Neurological Neuroanatomy 159 Anterior communicating F a. T Oculomotor Posterior nerve (CN III) communicating a.

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