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If you are assessing your drawings before reviewing the sample cases buy suprax 200 mg cheap, please retrieve them now suprax 200 mg visa. Now refer to Appendix A and assess the drawing from a structural per- spective for both the male and female separately. When you are as- sessing a projective test, these signs or details take on great significance, for "details are believed to represent the subject’s awareness of an interest in the elemental aspects of everyday life" (Buck, 1948, p. In view of that, when you draw information regarding a client’s personality and his or her reaction and behavior in the environment, you must combine any struc- tural assessment with a qualitative interpretation of the signs. A study by Goldstein and Rawn (1957) focused on seven symbolic details and two structural aspects to assess whether aggression could be deduced from draw- ing style using the DAP. The seven signs comprised the following: slash- 112 Interpreting the Art lined mouth, detailed teeth, spiked fingers, clenched fists, nostril empha- sis, squared shoulders, and toes on a nonnude figure. In the end the structural aspects did not yield significant results, yet "the seven specific drawing de- tails, as a group, did in fact relate to aggression" (p. Through studies and observations completed by various clinicians, a body of interpretive details has become available. Appendix B is offered as a guide when assessing the human figure in any projective test. These in- terpretations, as with Appendix A have been compiled from numerous sources (Buck, 1948, 1966; Burns & Kaufman, 1972a; Caligor, 1957; Cir- lot, 1971; DiLeo, 1973, 1983; Freud, 1950; Hammer, 1958; Jung, 1964; Klepsch & Logie, 1982; Machover, 1949; Matthews, 1986; Ogden, 1977; Oster & Gould, 1987; Reynolds, 1977). However, I caution the reader to not take these signs individually, but as an inter-related abundance of ideas. It is only in this manner that a complete and accurate picture of the underlying personality dynamics can be appraised. When assessing the formal aspects found in Appendix B it is best to be- gin at the top of the drawing (head) and work your way toward the bottom (feet) for each rendering. In so doing you will be describing each detail and adding the interpretive data (from the appropriate appendices). When you have illustrated each rendering in this way you should find that certain themes will not only emerge but repeat.

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