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By W. Sinikar. Rochester College.

This con- trasts with younger pain patients 250mg aralen with amex, who endorse their own behaviors and ac- tions as a strongest determinant of pain severity discount aralen 250 mg. In agreement with previ- ous studies (see Melding, 1995, for review), a belief in chance factors was also shown to be associated with increased pain, depression, functional im- pact, and choice of maladaptive coping strategies. Finally, using a newly de- veloped psychometric measure of pain attitudes, Yong, Gibson, Horne, and Helme (2001) found that older persons living in the community exhibited a greater belief in the need for stoic reticence and an increased cautious re- luctance and self-doubt when making a report of pain. These findings are in agreement with early psychophysical studies that show that older persons adopt a more stringent response criterion for the threshold report of pain and are less willing to label a sensation as painful (Clark & Mehl, 1971; Harkins & Chapman, 1976, 1977). The finding is also consistent with other recent studies of stoic attitudes in older pain patients (Klinger & Spaulding, 1998; Machin & Williams, 1998; Morley, Doyle, & Beese, 2000) and provides strong empirical support for the widely held view that older cohorts are generally more stoic in response to pain. Another potentially important psychological influence relates to possi- ble age differences in self-efficacy and the use of pain coping strategies. Self- efficacy in being able to use coping strategies to effectively reduce the se- verity of pain does not appear to change between early adulthood and older age (Corran et al. These findings would seem to challenge the commonly held view that older persons have less self-efficacy and instead show a stability and resilience in beliefs of personal competence across the major portion of the adult life span. Studies by Keefe and colleagues (1990, 1991) showed no age differences in the fre- quency of coping strategy use, although there was a strong trend for older adults to use more praying and hoping than their younger counterparts. PAIN OVER THE LIFE SPAN 133 Conversely, older people with chronic pain have been found to report fewer cognitive coping strategies and an increased use of physical methods of pain control when compared to young adults (Sorkin et al. Consistent with others (Gardner, Garland, Workman, & Mendelson, 2001; Mosley et al. Such differences are thought to be more likely due to sociocultural cohort effects rather than to some maturational change per se (Corran et al. The use of catastrophizing as a cognitive cop- ing strategy was found to be the strongest predictor of negative clinical presentation in both young and older adults (accounting for 20–30% of the variation in outcome scores). This finding is consistent with many earlier studies in young adult chronic pain patients (see Jensen, Turner, Romano, & Karoly, 1991, for review) and has since been confirmed in older popula- tions as well (Bishop, Ferraro, & Borowiak, 2001). It is in the use of other coping strategies, however, that age differences start to emerge. In the elderly cohort, self-coping statements and diverting attention were shown to be significant predictors of clinical outcome measures, whereas ignoring pain and reinterpretation of pain sensations were of more importance in young chronic pain patients.

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Rochester College.