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By V. Chris. University of Central Oklahoma. 2017.

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Note that in a mixed nerve generic azithromycin 250mg on-line, impulses may be traveling in two directions (toward or away from the CNS) 500mg azithromycin free shipping, but each individual fiber in the nerve is carrying impulses in one direction only. Traffic may be going north and south, for example, but each car is going forward in only one direction. These nerves may be carrying impulses either toward or away from the CNS. What name is given to nerves that convey im- pulses toward the CNS, and what name is given to nerves that transport away from the CNS? Collec- tively, these cells are called neuroglia (nu-ROG-le-ah) or 9 glial (GLI-al) cells, from a Greek word meaning “glue. Per- Act as phagocytes to remove pathogens and impurities ineurium (P) surrounds each fascicle. Epineurium (Ep) is Regulate the composition of fluids around and between around the entire nerve. Individual axons (Ax) are covered with a myelin sheath (MS), around which is the endoneurium (En) cells (inset). The Schwann cells that produce the myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system are one type of neuroglia. If there is a way for Resting Depolarization Repolarization Resting the charges to move toward each + other, electricity will be generated. Na+ and K+ More Na+ outside; + + A nerve impulse starts with a local Na enters K leaves concentrations More K+ outside reversal in the membrane potential restored 0 caused by changes in the ion concen- trations on either side. This sudden electrical change at the membrane is called an action potential, as described in Chapter 8 on the muscles. A simple description of the events in an action – potential is as follows (Fig. In addition to an electrical difference on the two sides of the plasma membrane at rest, there is also a slight difference in the Stimulus concentration of ions on either side.

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University of Central Oklahoma.