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Although this is often the most challenging part of the task buy 500 gm tinidazole, it is important to get it right as it will shape both the structure and content of the essay purchase 500 gm tinidazole otc. For instance, some courses con­ tain advanced study units that involve the completion of a dissertation – so if you are studying ethics, your dissertation will be about some aspect of this. If you have more scope in choosing your topic, you may find Chapter 14 ‘Developing an Idea’ useful. You will have to spend an enormous amount of time and effort in preparing your dissertation. By the completion of your project you may be less than en­ thusiastic about the work, so start with something that really excites you or has some personal significance for you. This will range from access to the appropriate journals and texts to a tutor who can offer you the appropriate supervision in developing your work. Refining the topic Once you have a general idea of your subject matter, you can start to work at determining the focus of your enquiry. Use a brainstorm (see Chapter 5 ‘Letters and Reports’) or a mind map (see Chapter 11 ‘Assessment’) to gen­ erate ideas about different aspects of the topic. For example a brainstorm of ‘cross-infection’ might produce the keywords Staphylococcus aureus, antibi­ otics, wound infections, treatment, infection control measures and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Once you have narrowed your search to a few keywords, you can start to think about the perspective you will take. Use question stems (Polit and Hungler 1995) to help define your enquiry. For example; ‘Infection control measures have reduced the incidence of MRSA. Questioning the 196 WRITING SKILLS IN PRACTICE proposition in this way prompts you to start examining relationships.

Congress clearly aimed to move persons off Social Security and back into the labor force purchase 500 gm tinidazole free shipping. Concerns about losing Medicare and Medicaid 500gm tinidazole fast delivery, in particular, pose significant disin- centives to leaving SSDI or SSI. The SSA neither funds assistive technol- ogy nor mandates workplace accommodations. The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 offers incremental reforms, es- pecially addressing health insurance coverage and vocational training. He has painful arthritis, but he claims he was fired from his ManuCo (a pseudonym) warehouse job because of a work-related foot injury. Howard has received SSDI payments for less than two years, so he is not yet eligible for Medicare. He pays $400 per month for private health insurance under COBRA provisions; sometimes he and his wife, who also doesn’t work, can barely make this payment. Howard hired an attorney to contest ManuCo’s claim that he was fired because of arthritis, not a work-related injury, and tried to win corpo- rate long-term disability payments to supplement SSDI. Howard feels that ManuCo, a multinational manufacturing company, did little to find him a less physically demanding job so he could keep working—even though, to qualify for SSDI, he had to assert that he was incapable of gain- ful employment in any capacity. He walked firmly and purposefully, without flinching, using an aluminum cane. Howard’s arthritis does, however, sometimes precipitate sudden falls, he has incapacitating stiffness each morning, and he met the clinical criteria for “arthritis of a major weight-bearing joint” specified in Disabil- ity Evaluation Under Social Security: With history of persistent joint pain and stiffness with signs of marked limitation of motion or abnormal motion of the affected joint on current physical examination. Howard could zip easily throughout the cavernous ManuCo warehouse on a motorized scooter. Even if he no longer lifts heavy boxes, he could perhaps deliver mail or handle smaller items.

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It will also help you to think more about your par- ticipants tinidazole 500gm for sale, when you need to contact them and whether they will be available at that time generic 500gm tinidazole amex. For example, if you want to go into schools and observe classroom practice, you wouldn’t choose to do this research during the sum- mer holiday. It might sound obvious, but I have found 8 / PRACTICAL RESEARCH METHODS some students present a well-written research proposal which, in practical terms, will not work because the par- ticipants will be unavailable during the proposed data collection stage. Once you have thought about these five ‘Ws’, try to sum up your proposed project in one sentence. When you have done this, take it to several people, including your boss and/or tutor, and ask them if it makes sense. If they don’t, ask them to explain their confusion, revise your statement and take it back to them. I can’t overemphasise the importance of this stage of the re- search process. If you get it right now, you will find that the rest of your work should flow smoothly. EXERCISE 1 Have a look at the three projects below and see if you can spot any potential problems. What questions would you ask to make the researchers focus in on their pro- posed project? Statement 1: This research aims to find out what people think about television. HOW TO DEFINE YOUR PROJECT / 9 Statement 2: My project is to do some research into Alz- heimer’s disease, to find out what people do when their relatives have it and what support they can get and how nurses deal with it. Statement 3: We want to find out how many of the local residents are interested in a play scheme for children dur- ing the summer holiday. Points to consider Statement 1: This research aims to find out what people think about television. TV companies already employ market researchers to conduct a great deal of research into public viewing, and they have much larger budgets available to them.

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A myriad of compounds are available that antimicrobial compounds into the implant material buy discount tinidazole 500gm on-line, and with will fluoresce under illumination of specific wavelengths 500gm tinidazole with mastercard. In the case of antimicrobial Among the uses for the fluorescent compounds is the viability 23 Antibiotics WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Antibiotic susceptible and resistant strains of Stapylococcus. Controls need to be included to verify that the the presence of acridine orange, while dead bacteria will not. Often, identification of the The ability of living bacteria to fluoresce can also be bacteria will suggest, from previous documented tests of oth- exploited by another machine called a flow cytometer. This provides an almost “real-time” assessment of the proportion of a popula- AAntibioticsNTIBIOTICS tion that has been killed by an antibiotic. Antibiotics are natural or synthetic compounds that kill bacte- All the assessments of antibiotic effectiveness need to ria. There are a myriad of different antibiotics that act on dif- be done in a controlled manner. This necessitates the use of ferent structural or biochemical components of bacteria. The concentration the 1930s, there were few effective ways of combating bacte- of the bacteria used is also important. Illnesses such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, and “dilute” out the antibiotic, producing a false indication of typhoid fever were virtually untreatable, and minor bacterial 24 WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Antibody-antigen, biochemical and molecular reactions infections could blossom into life-threatening maladies. In the decades following the discovery of penicillin, many naturally occurring antibiotics were discovered and still more were syn- thesized towards specific targets on or in bacteria. Antibiotics are manufactured by bacteria and various eukaryotic organisms, such as plants, usually to protect the organism from attack by other bacteria. The discovery of these compounds involves screening samples against bacteria for an inhibition in growth of the bacteria. In commercial settings, such screening has been automated so that thousands of sam- ples can be processed each day. Antibiotics can also be manu- factured by tailoring a compound to hone in on a selected target.