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By K. Innostian. Auburn University.

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Drugs Used in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Common Side Effects (Gerber buy generic gestanin 25 mg on line, Hicks generic gestanin 25mg without a prescription, 1995) DMARDs General (Disease Modifying Degree of Anti-rheumatic Drugs) Toxic Profile Toxicity Hydroxychloroquine Macular damage Safer Sulfasalazine Myelosuppression, gastrointestional (GI) distrubances Safer Auranofin GI disturbances, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, rash pruritus, conjunctivitis, stomatitis, anemia, thrombocytopenia, proteinuria, elevated liver enzymes Safer Methotrexate Stomatitis, myelosuppression, hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis, pulmonary involvement, worsens rheumatoid nodules More toxic Cyclosporine Renal dysfunction, tremor, hirsutism, hypertension, gum dysplasia More toxic Gold, Intramuscular, Myelosuppression, renal → proteinuria Oral Diarrhea (#1, oral), Rash (#1, Intramuscular) More toxic Azathioprine Myelosuppression, hepatotoxicity, lymphoproliferative disorders More toxic D-Penicillamine Oral ulcers, bone marrow suppression induction of autoimmune disease, proteinuria More toxic Chlorambucil Bone marrow suppression, GI disturbances, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, oral ulceration, central nervous system (CNS) dis- turbances, tremors, confusion, seizures, skin hypersensitivity, pulmonary fibrosis, hepatotoxicity, drug fever peripheral neuropathy, infertility, leukemia and 2˚ malignancies Very toxic Cyclophosphamide Carcinogenesis, impairment of fertility, mutagenesis, GI disturbances, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, alopecia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, cystitis, urinary bladder fibrosis, interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, anaphylactic reaction Very toxic Other Drugs for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis Toxic Profile ASA, NSAID GI ulceration and bleeding Therapeutic levels for ASA 15 mg/dl–25 mg/dl Toxic > 30 mg/dl Corticosteroids Hyperglycemia, inhibits immune response, osteoporosis, peptic ulcer disease, emotional liability 94 RHEUMATOLOGY OSTEOARTHRITIS (OA) DEFINITION A noninflammatory progressive disorder of the joints leading to deterioration of the articular cartilage and new bone formation at the joint surfaces and margins Disease of the cartilage initially, not bone PREVALENCE Most common form of arthritis and the second most common form of disability in the United States Prevalence increases with age: approximately 70% population > 65 years old have radio- graphic evidence of osteoarthritis (Lane, 1997) Increase in occupations with repetitive trauma Male:female ratio is equal between the ages of 45–55. Because of this, it is suggested that spondyloarthropathies in children include another syndrome, Seronegative Enthesopathy and Arthropathy (SEA) SEA Syndrome – (–) RF – (–) ANA – Enthesitis and either arthritis or arthralgia RHEUMATOLOGY 101 TABLE 3–4. Key Points of Juvenile Arthritides JUVENILE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS SYSTEMIC JUVENILE Multisystemic POLYARTICULAR SPONDYLO- Involvement Many joints PAUCIARTICULAR ARTHROPATHIES RF(–) (~98%) RF(–) (90–95%) RF(–) (> 98%) Ankylosing Still’s Disease No extraarticular 1–4 joint involvement Spondylosis (AS) High fever manifestations of Few systemic effects Reiter’s Rheum. Chronic Iridocyclitis: Psoriatic arthritis Lymphadenopathy Gradual onset of: < 6 yrs. RA Both have synovial inflammation that can lead to destruction of articular cartilage and ankylosis of the joint Ankylosing Spondylitis Rheumatoid Arthritis More common in males More common in females Absence of rheumatoid nodules Presence of rheumatoid nodules RF (–) RF (+) in 85% of cases Prespinous calcification RHEUMATOLOGY 105 Clinical Manifestations Skeletal Involvement Sites of Involvement in AS Insidious onset, back pain or tenderness 1→ SI joint in the bilateral SI joint 2→ Lumbar Vertebrae – First site of involvement is SI joint 3→ Thoracic Vertebrae – Initially asymmetric 4→ Cervical Vertebrae Persistent symptoms of at least three months Lumbar morning stiffness that improves with exercise Lumbar lordosis—decreased and thoracic kyphosis—increased Cervical ankylosis develops in 75% of the patients who have AS for 16 years or more Lumbar spine or lower cervical is the most common site of fracture Enthesitis (An inflammatory process ocurring at the site of insertion of muscle. On forward flexion, the line should increase by greater than 5 cm to a total of 20 cm or more (from 15 cm) – Any increase less than 5 cm is consid- ered a restriction Treatment Education FIGURE 3–4 – Good posture – Firm mattress, sleep straight—Supine or prone – Prevent flexion contractures Physical Therapy – Spine mobility—Extension exercises – Swimming is ideal – Joint protection Pulmonary—Maintain chest expansion – Deep breathing exercises – Cessation of smoking Medications – NSAIDs—Indocin Control pain and inflammation Allow for physical therapy RHEUMATOLOGY 107 – Corticosteroids—Tapering dose, PO and Injections – Sulfasalazine Improves peripheral joint symptoms Modify disease process – Methotrexate – Topical corticosteroid drops—Uveitis REITER’S SYNDROME ~ 3%–10% of Reiter’s Triad of Reiter’s Syndrome progress to AS 1. Nongonococcal urethritis Epidemiology Males >> females Organisms → Chlamydia, Campylobacter, Yersinia, Shigella, Salmonella More common in whites Associated with HIV Clinical Manifestations Arthritis Arthritis appears 2 to 4 weeks after initiating infectious event—GU or GI Asymmetric Oligoarticular—average of four joints – LE involvement >> UE – More common in the knees, ankles, and small joints of the feet – Rare hip involvement – UE → Wrist, elbows, and small joints of the hand Sausage digits (dactylitis) – Swollen tender digits with a dusklike blue discoloration – Pain on ROM Enthesopathies—Achilles tendon – Swelling at the insertion of tendons, ligaments, and fascia attachments Low back pain—Sacroilitis Ocular Conjunctivitis, iritis, uveitis, episcleritis, corneal ulceration Genitourinary Urethritis, meatal erythema, edema Balanitis Circinata—small painless ulcers on the glans penis, urethritis Skin and Nails Keratoderma blennorrhagica—hypertrophic skin lesions on palms and soles of feet Reiter’s Nails—thickened and opacified, crumbling, nonpitting Cardiac Conduction defects 108 RHEUMATOLOGY General Weight loss, fever Amyloidosis Lab Findings Synovial fluid—inflammatory changes Reiter’s Syndrome: Synovial Fluid Turbid Poor viscosity WBC 5-50,000-PMN ↑ protein, normal glucose Increased ESR RF (–) and ANA (–) Anemia–normochromic/normocytic (+) HLA B27 Radiographic Findings “Lover’s Heel”—erosion and periosteal changes at the insertion of the plantar fascia and Achilles tendons Ischial tuberosities and greater trochanter Asymmetric sacroiliac joint involvement Syndesmophytes Pencil in cup deformities of the hands and feet—more common in psoriatic arthritis PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS Prevalence ~5% to 7% of persons with psoriasis will develop some form of inflammatory joint disease Affects 0. Seronegative Spondyloarthropathy Fact Sheet The following are all Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies. Arthritis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Arthritis of All have the following Ankylosing Reiter’s Psoriatic Inflammatory characteristics: Spondyloarthropathy Syndrome Arthropathy Bowel Disease 1. RF (–) RHEUMATOLOGY 111 CTD (CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISORDERS) AND SYSTEMIC ARTHRITIC DISORDERS MCTD: MIXED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISORDERS Combination 1. Polymyositis SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS Diagnosis of SLE Multisystemic disease, autoimmune Any 4 of 11 criteria present Females > > > males Serially and simultaneously Criteria—American Rheumatologic Association (ARA) 1. Arthritis—Nonerosive arthritis involving two or more peripheral joints with tender- ness, swelling and effusion 6. Hematologic disorder—Hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, lymphopenia 10. Immunologic—(+)LE cell preparation or Anti-DNA antibody, or Anti-SM, false positive test for syphilis 11. ANA Clinical Fatigue, fever, weight loss, GI complaints Alopecia Vasculitis Arthritis Jaccoud’s Arthritis – Small joints of the hands, wrist, Nonerosive deforming arthritis and knees Ulnar deviations of the fingers and sublux- – Symmetric ations which are reversible early – Migratory, chronic, nonerosive May become fixed – Soft tissue swelling – Subcutaneous nodules – Synovial analysis—ANA (+) – Jaccoud’s arthritis Arthralgias Muscle pain and weakness 112 RHEUMATOLOGY Labs Depressed complement—C3 and C4 Ds-DNA Anti-SM Treatment NSAIDs, corticosteroids, antimalarials, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, cyclosporine A PROGRESSIVE SYSTEMIC SCLEROSIS (SCLERODERMA) Progressive Chronic Multisystem Disease Classified by the degree of skin thickening Fibrosis-like changes in the skin and epithelial tissues of affected organs Subsets: – Diffuse Cutaneous Scleroderma Heart, lung, GI, kidney ANA(+) Anticentromere Antibody (–) Rapid onset after Raynaud’s phenomenon Variable course—poor prognosis – Limited cutaneous Scleroderma—CREST Syndrome Crest Syndrome Progression after Raynaud’s phenomenon Calcinosis Anticentromere Antibody (+) Raynaud’s phenomenon Good prognosis Esophageal dysmotility – Overlap syndromes Sclerodactyly Combinations of connective tissue disease Telangiectasia – Undefined CTD No clinical or laboratory findings – Localized scleroderma Morphea, linear scleroderma Clinical Skin thickening—face, trunk, neck Symmetric arthritis with involvement of the fingers, hands, arm, legs Initial symptoms—Raynaud’s phenomenon with fatigue, and musculoskeletal complaints Raynaud’s Phenomenon Vasospasm of the muscular digital Causes of Raynaud’s arteries can lead to ischemia, Collagen vascular disease—PSS, ulceration of the fingertips SLE, RA, Dematomyositis/ Triggered by cold and emotional stresses Polymyositis Reversal of episode occurs after Arterial occlusive disease stimulus has ended—and digits rewarmed Pulmonary HTN Present in 90% of patients with scleroderma Neurologic—SCI, CVA Treatment Blood dyscrasia – Education against triggers—cold, smoking Trauma – Rewarming Drugs—ergots, beta blockers, – Calcium channel blockers—nifedipine cisplatin – EMG and biofeedback—self-regulation (Braunwald, et al.

As oxygen becomes more available to the working Training does not alter the total amount of energy muscle purchase 25mg gestanin amex, the body begins to switch from anaerobic expended (during activity of the same intensity and systems to more aerobic ones best gestanin 25mg. Only the aerobic duration) but rather changes the proportion of energy endurance pathway can produce large amounts of expended from carbohydrates and fat. As a result of ATP over extended periods of time via the Krebs training, the energy derived from fat increases and the cycle and the electron transport system. The changeover from anaerobic to aerobic pathways vidual uses a higher percentage of fat than an untrained is not abrupt, nor is there ever a time when one path- person at the same workload (Hurley et al, 1986). The intensity, duration, fre- Long-chain fatty acids derived from stored muscle quency, type of activity, and fitness level of the triglycerides are the preferred fuel for aerobic exercise participant determines when the crossover from pri- for individuals involved in mild- to moderate-intensity marily anaerobic to aerobic pathways occurs. GENERAL DIETARY NEEDS The more energy used in activity, the more calories OF ACTIVE INDIVIDUALS need to be consumed in the diet. CALORIES Individuals training for an athletic event will require more kilocalories than a sedentary individual. The ref- The dietary guidelines are predicated on consumption erence sedentary man weighs 154 lb and expends of adequate calories to sustain daily energy expendi- 2700 to 3500 kcals a day (average 3025) between the ture and should be provided on an individual basis ages of 20 and 29 years. Energy needs for strength trainers and body- The cost of the iron man triathlon (consisting of a 2. PROTEINS CONVERSION OF ENERGY SOURCES OVER TIME Approximately 50–60% of energy during 1 to 4 h of Protein requirements for both endurance and strength continuous exercise at 70% of maximal oxygen athletes should be individualized to determine adequacy capacity is derived from carbohydrates and the remain- of intake. The majority of athletes are consuming ade- ing energy is derived from fat (Coyle et al, 1986). TABLE 14-1 Estimated Energy Expenditure at Various Levels of Physical Activity LEVEL OF ENERGY EXPENDITURE INTENSITY TYPE OF ACTIVITY (KCAL/KG/DAY) Moderate Walking 3. CHAPTER 14 NUTRITION 85 High quality protein intake for the male endurance increased performance during moderate intensity athlete performing at intensities above 65–85% of exercise has been observed (Helge et al, 1996). This protein intake is required to provide for the oxidation of amino acids The general guidelines for the endurance athlete are during high intensity exercise (Snyder and Naik, that between 60 and 70% of total kilocalories, or 8 and 1998).

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Advances in neonatology have often preserved life in cases where the infant would previously have died of its cerebral injuries 25 mg gestanin overnight delivery. In order to isolate the causes of the reduction in most pediatric orthopaedic diseases we have examined another growth phenomenon order 25mg gestanin with mastercard, namely »acceleration«, i. I have obtained figures from the Swiss Army relating to the average height of conscripts recruited since 1880. Between 1880 and 2000 the average height of the Swiss recruit has increased by 15 cm (6 in. Swiss cantonal statistics are also available for the years 1952 and 1992. If we compare the typically rural-moun- tainous canton of Appenzell with the urban canton of Basel-City, the Appenzellers in 1952 were 7 cm (2. In 1992 the Appenzellers were still shorter, but in this case only by 2 cm (176 versus 178 cm = 5 ft. But surely no-one could claim that the Appenzellers consumed sub- stantially greater quantities of proteins than the Basel resi- dents between 1952 and 1992. The Appenzeller population have Increased genetic intermixing has not only resulted in an increase known this for a long time as this is mentioned in the fa- in the average height, but is also responsible for a decline in the fre- miliar local joke: »The short people result from inbreeding quency of congenital malformations... It is certainly true that most cases of hereditary skeletal dysplasia are associated with stunted growth, the sole exception being Marfan Czechoslovakia and Southern Germany, whereas in Italy syndrome. I think it is likely that the decline in pediatric or- Inbreeding in these regions was evidently greater than thopaedic diseases since 1960 also has something to in those countries with coastal borders. The incidence do with mobility and the associated increase in genetic of hip dysplasia in English-speaking countries back in intermixing. After all, hip dysplasia had been common the 1960’s was about as low as the current figure for the primarily in the Alpine countries of Austria, Switzerland, Alpine countries. On the other hand, there will be an increasing need for a small number of individual pediatric orthopaedic treatment cen- ters where the latest treatments are provided and where children and adolescents can receive appropriate, age-spe- cific care. Such centers must be located in a children’s hospital, where all the specialists in neighboring disciplines are available (pediatric anesthetist, pediatric neurologist, oncologist, geneticist, pediatric surgeon, etc.

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Moreover buy discount gestanin 25mg line, results were negative despite what appears to be a thorough intervention buy 25 mg gestanin overnight delivery, including in- person relaxation and imagery training, information provision, and use of an audiotape for home relaxation practice, all provided well before the scheduled procedure to allow adequate practice time (Gaston-Johansson et al. The fact that fatigue and nausea were both significantly reduced by the intervention suggest that the lack of effect on pain experienced was not due to failure to utilize the intervention. In light of the generally positive results of other RCTs, the lack of efficacy of the combined intervention in this study is somewhat surprising. These results indicate that interventions that should be effective sometimes fail for unclear reasons, possibly related to the specific nature of the acute pain stimulus, patient population (i. Dental Procedures Psychological interventions for acute pain have also been applied to the discomfort associated with dental procedures. As in other clinical settings, relaxation techniques and distraction interventions (playing videogames) have been shown in RCTs to reduce the discomfort associated with dental procedures (Corah et al. Other types of interventions may have efficacy in dental patients as well. Croog and colleagues (Croog, Baume, & Nalbandian, 1994) conducted a controlled 9. PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS FOR ACUTE PAIN 255 trial of patients undergoing repeated periodontal surgery. A coping self- statement intervention designed to increase perceived control over the aversive sequelae of the surgery resulted in significantly lower reports of pain following surgery relative to a no-intervention control group (Croog et al. Other work indicates that provision of sensory information about dental procedures, but not a visual distraction intervention, resulted in sig- nificantly decreased discomfort during “routine dental treatment” com- pared to a no-intervention control group (Wardle, 1983). Other types of psychological interventions may have utility in the dental arena as well. Provision of procedural information alone did not result in decreased pain intensity (Logan et al. A similar RCT by these researchers examined the efficacy of a combined intervention, including controlled breathing, vid- eotaped modeling of successful coping, and control-enhancing statements, finding that the intervention resulted in lower pain levels compared to a neutral videotape control condition in patients undergoing various dental procedures (Law, Logan, & Baron, 1994). It is important to note that the pain-ameliorating effects in each of these three studies occurred only among patients with a high desire for control and a low level of perceived control (Baron et al. Postsurgical Pain Of the various clinical sources of acute pain described in this chapter, in- terventions focused on postsurgical pain may have the potential for the greatest health impact.

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