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By R. Konrad. Columbia College of Missouri. 2017.

This should be performed The patient is aiming for the VMO to be activated slowly discount 120mg calan sr fast delivery, in front of a mirror cheap calan sr 120 mg with visa, so that changes in before the VL and remain more than the VL dur- limb alignment can be observed and deviations ing the activity. This clinical interpretation of can be corrected (Figure 10. Specific work on the use of EMG biofeedback is at odds with the the hip musculature may be necessary to improve Figure 10. Some patients may only be weight back through the heel of the standing leg, able to do one repetition before the leg deviates. The patient externally This is sufficient for them to start with, as inap- rotates the standing leg without turning the foot, propriate practice can be detrimental to learn- the pelvis, or the shoulders. The number of repetitions should be sustain the contraction for 20 seconds, so a increased as the skill level improves. It is there- burning can be felt in the gluteus medius region. Initially small numbers of nate, then rubber tubing may be used around exercises should be performed frequently the ankles to provide resistance as the patient throughout the day. The aim is to achieve a car- stands on the affected leg while pushing the ryover from functional exercises to functional other leg back diagonally at 45°. Later, the patient can move to a larger The training may be progressed to standing step, initially decreasing the number of contrac- on one leg where the pelvis is kept level and the tions and slowly increasing them again. As the lower abdominals and the glutei are worked control improves, the patient can alter the speed together while the other leg is swinging back and of the stepping activity and vary the place on forward, simulating the activity of the stance descent where the stepping action is stopped. Weights may be introduced in the hands or in a If the patient has marked internal femoral backpack. Again, the number of repetitions and rotation stretching of the anterior hip struc- the speed of the movement should be decreased tures, to increase the available external rotation initially and built back up again. The patient lies prone with the Training should be applicable to the patient’s hip to be stretched in an abducted, externally activities/sport, so a jumping athlete, for exam- rotated and extended position. The other leg is ple, should have jumping incorporated in his pro- extended and lies on top of the bent leg.

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